The CEO’s First Responsibility

by Dr. Donald N. Sweet:  First and foremost, a CEO must actively develop her/his management team. The strength of a team is that collectively it provides perspective that one or two people just can’t have alone. Important issues require multiple viewpoints to improve our probability of success. So developing the team to make and execute better decisions is critical to the health of the business.

Practically speaking, the CEO begins developing the team which is already in place. Sure someone may be in the wrong seat and that should be fixed. In smaller organizations that often requires some time to accomplish. Nonetheless, progress can be made with most anyone who currently sits in a management role.

We believe that the management team, not the CEO, should manage the business. We have seen teams become more effective when the CEO is just one more member of the team making decisions. Yes, they should have a veto vote on any issue. That said, we suggest veto votes be used sparingly. Good teams make better decisions.

Don’t confuse this process with consensus. This is not about everyone agreeing on an answer or direction. This is about everyone passionately debating important issues to arrive at a better solution. Once the direction is set, the entire team must support it. That is part of the CEO’s team management job, too.

When working with CEOs we often use Pat Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team book and process. Helping folks put aside their egos promotes healthy organizational results. In essence we want management team members to say something like, “I don’t need to defend my turf/silo any longer; I’m in this for the best of the team.”

We also want them to say things like, “Yes, I have functional responsibilities, but they’re not my first concern. Running the business as part of the team is my first concern; my second is how I bring my functional resources to bear to improve that effort.”

We believe developing management teams is the greatest leap forward any business can make. We believe the CEO’s main job is developing his or her management team. It all really does start at the top.

The next post will provide some guidelines for team selection and improved effectiveness. Making sure you have the right people in the right seats is critical to organizational success. Finally, clarity regarding priorities, expectations and responsibilities greatly improves team effectiveness.

When is a Business Coach Worth the Price?

To answer this question, it might be helpful to think of yourself as a professional athlete. If you were a professional athlete (or even a motivated weekend warrior), you would weigh the benefit of improved athletic performance against the cost of the coach.

For most professional athletes, this is a pretty easy calculation. The promise of improved athletic performance (with the associated fame and fortune), almost always outweighs the cost. This is why every professional athlete has one or more coaches in her orbit.

Is the calculation any different for a business owner or executive? For many, it is not. The worldwide coaching industry is reported to generate $9 billion in revenue annually–clearly many business professionals are calculating that improved performance in business outweighs the cost of hiring a coach.

But what are business coaches providing that justifies their cost?

Professional athletes seek coaching to help them break through to the next level of performance whether it be by adopting new training tools or by correcting bad habits (physical or psychological) that limit performance or cause injury. “Business athletes” seek coaching for the same reasons: improved performance for themselves or their organization through the adoption of new tools or the correction of bad habits.

So, do you have bad habits (in your business) or might new tools increase your business performance? Some of the symptoms of bad business habits and old tools that we notice are: 1) underperforming employees staying employed, 2) the best employees being frustrated or leaving, and 3) employees not getting the most important things done.

What is the cost of these bad habits? It depends on the size of your organization and the degree of dysfunction caused by the habits. The only thing we can say for sure is that there are direct costs and opportunity costs (for example, respectively, salary paid to underperforming employees and revenue missed because of one or more underachieving employees).

These direct and opportunity costs accumulate pretty quickly. One recent client, estimated $50,000 in coaching increased his revenue by $2,500,000. A fantastic return on his investment and certainly worth the cost.

What, for example, if coaching helped you or your organization weed out weak or bad employees (the bad habit being to not weed out such employees)? What might the return be on an investment in coaching for this challenge?

One source (Calculating the Dollar Costs of a Bad or Weak-performing Employee by Dr. John Sullivan Jan 6, 2014) suggests the cost of a weak employee is, at minimum, 33% of the average annual revenue per employee (total organizational revenue divided by number of employees) and, at a maximum, 300% of the average annual revenue per employee.

This means, with an average annual revenue per employee of $150,000, weeding out one minimally weak employee would save $50,000. If the weak employee was at the extreme end of weak (lots of absenteeism, several missed sales opportunities or a cause of accidents, etc.), the annual savings would be $450,000 (or $37,500 for every month of continued employment).

Most coaches can help with the process of weeding out weak employees in a couple of hours of work. Thereby delivering another fantastic return on an investment in coaching.

Not all fixes are as quick as this example suggests. For instance, getting employees to focus on the most important priorities takes time to setup and additional time to make part of an organization’s DNA. But, any coach worth her fee, is going to introduce tools and break habits that can improve performance for the long-run.

It’s almost a given that a professional athlete will benefit from coaching when his performance is stalling because of a bad habit (physical or psychological) or because he’s not staying up with the techniques and tools used by his competitors. The same is true of business athletes. In both cases, when performance is lagging, the clear answer is that coaching is worth the price and an investment that, more often than not, brings a fantastic return.

Generating Cash by Improving Organizational Health

Organizational health is something most leaders don’t pay enough attention to. We think that’s because it’s a) hard to know what to do when an organization is ill or sick and b) even if you know what to do, it’s hard to do what needs to be done.

The symptoms of organizational ill-health or illness are, poor results, poor morale, good people leaving (turnover), poor problem solving and resolution, “drifting” (the opposite of goal directed activity), etc. All of these symptoms waste people’s time and energy and, by extension, the organization’s CASH.

While most organizations exhibit some of the symptoms mentioned above, the organizations that are paralyzed by them need to act sooner than later. It is like a flu. If you are able to get through the day and be fairly productive, it’s okay to see if the symptoms pass. If you’re unable to get out of bed, however, it’s time to see the doctor.

There is a relatively simple recipe for improving organizational health: improve the health of the team that leads the organization and have those leaders take what they’ve learned about being healthy back to their teams–spreading health and chasing away dysfunction.

This recipe reflects a couple of simple truths. Organizational health or ill-health always starts at the top and the cure of organizational ill-health must be top down.

Improving the health of the team that leads an organization is not a trivial task but it is achievable. There are some great resources to help organizations improve their leadership team health starting with the classic, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni.

What it all comes down to, in our opinions, is establishing a culture where people strive for what’s best for the team (organization) and can speak their minds without fear of being harmed (personally or professionally). It may be an oversimplification but healthy teams are made up of people who are fiercely dedicated to the success of their organization and who are also willing to put their ego and fears aside for that success.

In closing, improving an organization’s health improves communication, accountability, problem solving and retention. Improving an organization’s health also generates cash by reducing the wasted time and effort of employees and by decreasing turnover. It may not be easy to improve an organization’s health but it’s like found money when it’s done.


How Organizational Alignment Generates Cash

Improved organizational alignment generates cash by improving productivity and reducing the rate of new hires (because people produce more). Both increased productivity and reduced hiring puts cash in the bank for an organization.

Skeptical? Well, surveys estimate that between 25 and 40% of a worker’s time is wasted in non-productive activities including work toward unclear objectives and participation in ineffective meetings. What impact would you expect to your bottom line if you captured even half of the three to nearly four months wasted every year by your average employee?

So, what can you do to combat wasted time and the cash drain it represents?

You can start by working on setting the priorities for your organization and then getting everyone aligned behind those priorities.

To get people aligned consider four ingredients: clear expectations, progress milestones (metrics), a clear timeline and set priorities for when expectations conflict. In our experience, clear expectations are pretty common. Less common are the metrics that measure progress, a defined review period and a strategy for resolving conflicts between expectations.

When all four ingredients are present, there is tremendous focus and little uncertainty about what exactly needs to be done by when. For example, there is a big difference between the directives: “grow sales” and “your top priority is to make new connections with prospective customers. We expect you to make 10 new connections and to touch base with 25 connections that you have made in the past six months, each week. We expect these contacts to result in two or more sales each week. We will meet every other week to assess your activity and progress.”

This type of focus produces three outcomes: 1) a clear roadmap of how a person needs to behave to be successful, 2) the results you are looking for, or 3) nowhere to hide for the subpar or marginal performer.

The bottom line of this type of focus is ultimately more cash in the bank–put there by the discipline of organizational alignment.

Does Your Brand Promise Resonate with Your Core Customers?

by Dr. Donald N. Sweet

There are two major concepts in the title, brand promise and core customer.  Kind of like a chicken and egg situation.  Which do you think is more important?

Businesses usually begin by providing a solution to a customer.  Something they are good at, understand and interest them.  No doubt that’s where yours began.

By intentionally crafting a brand promise, the business communicates several important concepts.  First it signals to employees what is important to core customers.  This becomes even more meaningful as the business expands and adds additional people.  Internally a brand promise aligns the team around both the customer and product or service.

The business must then rigorously organize to deliver the brand promise to the core customer.  From location to people to systems, lots of work and consideration goes into delivering the brand promise to the core customer.  The brand promise should inform all aspects of the business.  A good visual is an iceberg.  The tip of the iceberg, the part we see, is the brand promise.  The majority however is below the surface, where all the work takes place.

For instance, Rackspace Inc., an IT hosting company based in a suburb of San Antonio, Texas, has “Fanatical Support” as it’s brand promise.  They go to great lengths to support their customers.  Check out what they say, and mean, about their Fanatical Support here.

Externally, brand promises communicates to the marketplace what it can expect from your company.  This is an opportunity to tell the market how you are unique from the competition.  A solid brand promise becomes the basis for everything your business does to attract customers and drive revenue.

All businesses have implicit brand promises, at some level.  Many are intuitive like the corner grocery or hardware store.  Your local attorney and CPA often have these assumed promises.  In fact we find most businesses have only expected brand promises.  A lost opportunity.

Crafting a well-defined brand promise can set your business apart.  If done properly it can also become the cornerstone for your marketing effort.  But who is this brand promise focused upon?  The core customer, made up of a select few in the marketplace.

A core customer is one who most values your offering.  They have a need that you are uniquely able to provide and they are willing to pay for.  Your brand promise resonates with them.  When we work with clients helping define core customers we spend time on both demographic data (age, income, type of need, etc.) and psychographic tendencies (early adopter, research buyer, green oriented, value buyer, etc.) of the core customer that they want to appeal to.

The better defined the core customer is the better we are able to craft a brand promise that appeals to them.  By defining our core customer well, we won’t waste scarce resources chasing after customers who don’t bring optimal value to the organization.

Your brand promise and core customer definition will set you apart from the competition while attracting the type of customer that you want.  It is the intersection of what your business does well and what the right customer needs.   It’s effective execution means sucess for your business.

Generate Cash by Cleaning up Business Processes

By Dr. Donald N. Sweet

Your major business processes generate and consume large amounts of cash. Much like closets, basements and attics, business processes accumulate excess stuff. We usually find that any process that has been around for several years has some waste in it. Those processes that have been around for a decade usually have geometrically more non-value added activities.

With the goal of reducing process waste, we suggest using the Pareto 80/20 principle to define the most important processes in your organization. We’re looking for that handful of mission critical processes. The ones that add most value for the customer and consume the most internal resources.

The first step is to pick the biggest process opportunity. Next, organize a team that will review each and every step of the process. Here we find that a combination of process owners, process support staff and one or two team members who don’t know specifics about the process, works best. We find the last group are the folks that ask the “why do we do it that way” questions that those more familiar with the process ignore (Hint: It’s not uncommon to hear, “because we’ve always done it that way,” or “we tried that seven years ago and it didn’t work,” as answers).

Using LEAN methods (see, we suggest drawing up a current state map that includes each and every single step in the process. Nothing gets left out, however small or seemingly insignificant.

For example, order entry is a key process for most. Orders may come in via the phone, fax, internet, etc. How is each one received? What are its next steps? List the steps that follow, and so forth until the order is eventually fulfilled.

Each and every step, stop, rest, movement, change, etc. is mapped out, often with different color Post-It-Notes. This is known as the current state map. Here we’re looking to capture some 95% of all the possible activity (sorry Pareto). It’s important that it be recorded exactly as the process is currently being done. We find that it is not uncommon for two people working the same process to have slightly different steps. Both should be mapped out.

When complete, the result is known as the “current state map” and it often ends up looking like a spaghetti bowl.
We then go back and review each step asking if it is value added from the customer’s perspective. Typically customers don’t care about batching, or inventories or reviews or approvals, etc. They just want what they ordered, on time. To that end each step gets designated as being either 1) value added or 2) non-value added, always from the customer’s perspective.

Once we have completed this process we go back through it again looking for ways to eliminate as many of the non-value added activities as possible. This is where the “outside the process” people often shine. We record those changes and at the end of this process we have a “future state map“.

Our next step is to take the current state map and look at what needs to be done to migrate to the future state as we see it now. Some changes can usually be made immediately. Other will take longer. Still others might require investments in additional resources, i.e. computers, people, etc. Those investments will have to be weighed against the benefit they provide before determining whether they make business sense or not.

Once the major processes have been cleaned out, you can start on the next tier.  At some point revisiting the major processes again and again will often provide more return on investment. The ultimate goal is to develop LEAN thinking within the organization and perpetuate continual improvement.

Just like closets, basements and attics, processes gather clutter over time and need to be cleaned out.

The 80/20 Rule for Running a Successful Business

by Dr. Donald N. Sweet

The 80–20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle, or the law of the vital few, states that for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

Said another way, 80% of your profit typically comes from 20% of your customers.  Often 80% of quality problems come from 20% of the reasons for those problems.   And so on.

Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian engineer, sociologist, economist, political scientist, and philosopher. He introduced the concept of efficiency and helped develop the field of microeconomics.

The multi-talented Pareto observed that by focusing on the Vital Few, we can make the most difference. To that end, we need to set up systems that constantly look for those Vital Few. Be they customers, products, or problems, tending to the Vital Few, while discounting or ignoring the “trivial many,” can dramatically improve our businesses.

We find that for many people, a problem is a problem, an opportunity is an opportunity, and they should all be addressed.  We disagree.  The issue is that we only have scarce resources to apply to any problem or opportunity.  There is only so much that can be done effectively.  We much choose the vital few that get attention.

I worked with a quality system once that required us to categorize failures by root cause.  After gathering information it became quite clear which root cause was responsible for the most failures.  It is there that we first spent time and effort to make improvements.  We then moved on to the next highest number and so forth.  By the way, we used what was called a Pareto chart when looking at the failures.  This method allowed us to make large improvements in output quickly while improving customer satisfaction.  There were lots of “one off” failures that probably never got resolved because the cost/benefit was just not there.

The same concept and process works for priorities.  Many of us have a “to do list” of 30 some items.  Fewer of us prioritize them by the value they have to the organization.  Fewer of us yet work on only the top three until they are complete.  Imagine what we could really accomplish if we put the majority of our work day (even half our workday) on the three most important items.

We work with our clients to help them identify and debate what the most important things on which they should be expending resources.  They we help them (follow up with them) to ensure they are actually spending the time to get those items accomplished.  Sometimes we haven’t identified the right items and priorities need to change.  That okay.  More often its the discipline the needed to stay the course and not be distracted by some shining new object.

The process of hammering out the top priorities using Pareto’s 80/20 rule pays big dividends within a year.  We suggest every organization keeps this process at the core of its decision making.

Get More Accomplished

by Dr. Donald N. Sweet

There are three simple steps to help you get more accomplished.  Notice I said simple, not easy.  While they are simple, the discipline to stick with them is usually far from easy.

First, define your longer term targets.  These are usually best set out a reasonable amount of time in the future.  Somewhere from one to five years is often a good place to start.  As Yogi Berra said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you might not get there.”

The next step is to set moderately difficult intermediate goals.  The trick here is to make them ones that will stretch you, but still be reasonable for you to accomplish.  I know a young lady in her twenties, a millennial, who set a goal of doing one unaided pull-up.  That’s right, one.  When asked why she only set one as her goal, she replied that since she had never done a pull-up unaided before, she thought that was a good place to start.

What this person intuitively realized is that setting moderately difficult, but attainable goals, improves the probability of success.  Many of us have been known to set lofty goals, ones that we have little chance of attaining.  Along a similar vein, someone in the same situation as this young lady who set twenty pull-ups as a goal, and only achieved two, would feel a failure.  They would then be less likely to try to stretch themselves the next time.

This millennial, on the other hand, is more likely to stretch herself again after attaining her more modest stretch goal.  Keeping the initial targets manageable actually improves probabilities of success because they seem more within our grasp.  As Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

The third of our simple steps is perhaps the most difficult, discipline.  That is where we keep at something until we have sufficiently mastered it.  Once again that is where the tactic of this individual above comes into play.  Keeping the goal challenging, yet achievable, makes the discipline required to accomplish it more realistic.  In turn, that success fuels the next moderately difficult challenge and its accomplishment.

Following these three steps helps one build the virtuous cycle that perpetuates both achievement and success.  The blending of 1) longer term goals, 2) moderately difficult targets, and 3) discipline to continue to work toward the target, will help anyone accomplish their goals with more regularity.  And of these three, I believe the middle one is of most importance.  Thank you, Diana, for showing me this so clearly.

Strategy Starts with a Healthy Team

by Dr. Donald N. Sweet

We find many business people try to overcomplicate strategy.   We don’t believe it needs to be complicated.  There a just a few basic questions that must be answered.  That said, what we find is what most businesses overlook is the most important element of strategy – a Healthy Team.

Change is a given and it’s accelerating.  Companies that don’t have management teams that can change with market forces and demands will underperform, then disappear.  That’s scary, as change is difficult for most of us.
Many teams put so much of their focus on being smart that they forget to work on being healthy.   Smart teams are good at marketing, finance, technology, production, etc.  All of which are important.  The trouble is most other businesses also focus on them so they become table stakes.

Healthy teams are ones that have minimal politics, clarity around the important items, high morale, high productivity and low turnover.  They work together well, making the best use of all of their resources.  Healthy teams have the advantage of being able to focus on the important issues in a business.  They don’t have to expend energy on the political intrigue present in so many of their competitors.

Our business schools train people to be smart.  Focus is on right brain activities that are easier to calculate.   As Pat Lencioni points out in his book The Advantage, the human side of the equation is much messier.    But that is where organizational health resides.

There are a handful of important questions an organization must answer to move toward healthy.  Of course to be effective they must also have the willingness to deal with messy human issues.  Healthy organizations will be more competitive in the long run than merely smart ones.

If you would like a free, no obligation healthy review, please contact us at Vital Growth.  We are passionate about helping organizations and their employees achieve healthy and sustainable growth.

Getting Things Done

Getting things done or “executing” is a kind of grind. It’s not directly exciting or glamorous like a BIG IDEA or a NEW INITIATIVE. It’s not necessarily sexy or the reason why people stand out in meetings (see BIG IDEA).

Perhaps its pedestrian status is the reason getting things done is relatively rare. In any event, getting things done is a skill that can be taught.

If you’ve read, Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan, then you know one good formula for executing. Our interpretation of the formula goes like this:

  • Know your people and your business–this includes knowing the strengths and shortcomings of your people as well as the opportunities and risks associated with your business.
  • Insist on realism–this means keeping one’s head up and alert. It’s too easy to look at the world through “rose colored glasses” and to ignore critics. Listen to everyone, including employees, customers, potential customers–seek their honest feedback. Remember that people say as much with what they do say as they do with what they don’t say.
  • Identify clear goals and priorities–clear goals are achievable and include the steps that need to be taken along the way to achieving them.
  • Follow-through–who’s responsible, when will a milestone be achieved and what’s the process for reviewing progress? Are these elements clear and is the review frequent enough to stay on top of the progress or lack of it?
  • Reward the doers–intelligently reward behavior that gets things done but don’t over-reward it or ignore the fact that rewarding past behavior should not diminish future desirable behavior.
  • Expand people’s capabilities–invest in your people with training and coaching that helps them meet new challenges.
  • Know yourself–No one person can handle all the complexity of today’s business world. Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses is the first step of seeking the input of others for their perspective as well as their contributions that best compliment your own.

Like with any formula, the formula for getting things done requires attention to all the ingredients. It’s not a hard formula to follow if you really attend to all the ingredients but that is easier said than done. One suggestion is to make a list of all the ingredients listed above and then ask yourself, once a week, if you are including each in your day-to-day work. Try it, you may be surprised how this little exercise helps you really get things done.