This week’s email contains thoughts on GRIT.
In an article that appeared in Forbes last week, author Ekaterina Walter reflects on how grit separates true business leaders from one-hit wonders.
The original article is here. The author makes a number of interesting points. The highlights, in our view, are:
- Grit is defined as “courage and resolve; strength of character.”
- Companies and leaders with grit continue to prioritize customer experience over sales numbers.
- Companies and leaders with grit continue to intentionally focus on their culture and the elements of their culture that produce their success in the first place.
- … give a damn about the ordinary employees who make the company extraordinary.
- … deprioritize the founder’s ego.
- … know that at the end of the day, your business’ people, character, passion, and culture are what customers see and what will take your company to the next level.
The author notes that in her experience, as start-ups grow, they, more than not, lose their grit. We couldn’t agree more.