Become a Maestro

A maestro, among other attributes, has given up the role of contributing directly to the output of the organization. Instead, he or she, guides others in a way that maximizes their contribution. So too, the coach does not play the game (the output of the team) but instead guides the players to do their best.

Making the transition from musician to maestro or player to coach is not easy… or for everyone. For some, the fun is in playing the music or the game and not in leading others. Many try to have it both ways. They are player-coaches, if you will.

The trouble with being a player-coach is that it’s hard to be good at both roles simultaneously. It’s hard to maintain a high skill level at each role and, perhaps most importantly, it’s hard to maintain the difference in perspective required by each role.

My best counsel is to drop the musician/player role and to get good at being a maestro. It seems to me that your leverage is highest when you are at a maestro level because of how you can affect the people who work for you.