Company Culture is Central to Organizational Effectiveness (and Profit)

We at Vital Growth know that company culture is central to organizational effectiveness. Organizations can succeed with a poor culture but more often they fail or “fail to thrive.” The article below makes the case for attending to your company’s culture for the benefit of employees and the bottom line…

Does Corporate Culture Pay?

The Beryl Cos.’ CEO Paul Spiegelman argues that having a strong corporate culture makes smart business sense. See here for the full article.

Culture: It’s a word that often makes CFOs cringe because of the perception that it’s expensive. From my experience, it’s far more costly to do business without it. As CEO of The Beryl Cos., which specializes in managing patient interactions for hospitals, I’ve found that employee engagement through our unique corporate culture is what allowed us to move from a commodity to a business that doesn’t need to compete based upon price. Read More…